Global Resorts Network: Is Global Resorts A Scam? Okay, so you’re online looking for a legitimate business opportunity and a way to make a full-time income working from home. You start checking out Global Resorts Network and you like what you see. Great company. Top quality product with real value for consumers. Lucrative business opportunity with a powerful, cutting edge pay plan. Realistic 6-Figure potential in your first year. And a culture of teamwork that gives you access to top caliber coaching and mentoring if you join the right leader. Everything looks solid. But then you come across an ad that screams: Global Resorts Network Scam! And all of a sudden you’re not so sure. This is what I call “Is It A Scam?” marketing, and it’s a very common tactic used by network marketers… because it works! As a marketer writing an ad or headline, your goal is to get people’s attention. “Is It A Scam?” marketing is effective because, unfortunately, there’s a lot of garbage online, and wondering if the biz opp you’re looking at is a scam is actually a very legitimate concern and one that needs to be addressed through research and due diligence. Here’s the problem, and something you should keep your eye out for. Most of the marketers using the “Is it a Scam?” technique fail to deliver the goods. You click on that ad and it takes you to a site that has nothing to do with the company you were researching. Instead it’s another hype-fest where some guy or gal is pitching you on their latest greatest opportunity with company XYZ where you can earn a gazillion dollars in your very first week without ever doing any work at all! I’m exaggerating here for fun, but you get the picture. And if you’ve been doing any kind of serious research you know exactly what I’m talking about. It’s super annoying for the searcher, and as a marketing strategy, it totally misses the mark. Because getting someone attention is only the first step. You then have to provide quality content that offers real answers to the searcher’s questions and real solutions t their problems. Otherwise, it’s just been an exercise in futility – for both parties. Anyone who’s serious about starting an online business and committed to doing their research will only be turned off by this kind of nonsense, click away from the page, and head back to Google to continue their search for real facts and real answers. As a marketer, you need to understand that, in the end of the day, it really doesn’t matter how many clicks you get or how much traffic you generate. Quality over quantity. The goal is high quality leads that translate into conversions. And using a bait-and-switch tactic isn’t going to get conversions. It’ll only piss people off. So if you’re a marketer and you want to use this strategy – be smart. Do your research. And deliver on the promise you made in your headline by offering an objective, fact-based review of the company in question. Done this way, you’re providing real value for your audience and you’ll attract quality leads just by being genuine and providing valuable information. It’s okay to say you think a company is a scam if you have fact based evidence to back you up. In that case, you’re doing people a great service. It’s also kosher to list the pros and cons of a given company and conclude that while not a scam, it’s still not a company you recommend … or you could conclude that it’s not a scam and you do recommend it… Just make sure you don’t go bashing a rival company or one of their leaders. Negative marketing doesn’t work. It only reflects poorly on you and your business. And it will come back to bite you. It’s okay to criticize, just do it in the right manner. As long as you tell the truth and keep it objective, you’re within bounds. At that point, if you want to mention your own opportunity, it’s good marketing practice to simply show how it stacks up against the company you just reviewed. Again, just keep it real. List the strengths of your opportunity and why you think people might want to join, without all the hype and “sales heavy” jargon. That way you just put it out there and let people make their own educated business decision. It’s perfectly okay to do “Is It A Scam?” marketing, as long as you deliver the goods. So let me do just that. The title of this piece asks: Is Global Resorts Network A Scam? The answer is unequivocal: Global Resorts Network is not a scam. And here’s the objective proof. Global Resort is a legitimate online business where you can earn a significant income working from home in a manner that is honest and ethical. Global Resorts Inc is a real company with actual corporate offices, real officers, and real employees. As an affiliate with Global Resorts Network you represent a 22 year old company that offers exclusive luxury resort memberships at an 80% discount. The product has stand-alone real world value and is backed by the integrity of a proven company with an impeccable track record spanning more than 2 decades. There are numerous affiliates with Global making 6-Figure incomes. The top producers with Global earn in the high six figures. And it’s not one of those “pyramid” deals where only the guys who got in on the ground floor can do well. As a brand new affiliate with Global you have an opportunity to earn a significant income, as long as you join the right team, get the proper coaching and mentorship, learn how to market effectively, apply what you learn and then turn around and teach others to do the same. At the same time, there are some Global affiliates who make absolutely no any money at all. So if you’re considering Global resorts, here are the real questions you should be asking yourself: 1) Is Global Resorts Network the right fit for you? 2) If you do join, how can you be successful? Being an affiliate with Global Resorts Inc can be an extremely lucrative opportunity if you have right marketing skills, know how to generate traffic and get your offer in front of the right target audience. If you decide that Global Resorts is a good fit for you, your next step is to find a leader who will teach you how to market effectively and avoid the pitfalls so you can accelerate your learning curve, master the principles of smart marketing, and become profitable as soon as possible.

Reasons Postcard Marketing Works for Freelance Service Providers

Postcard printing is more than just a promotional material for real estate agents or to send your letters to Auntie Mae. It can be your ticket to getting your customers know you exist and looking you up.

You think everyone can benefit from the services you have to offer. There's a big market for your services, and you even have statistics from a trade magazine to prove it, but you can't seem to find them. Chances are they really are out there waiting to stumble upon someone who can provide them with the solutions they need.

But why postcards?

1. Postcards have the highest readability.

Full colored postcards are intended to be sent without and envelope and can stand out from a pile of generic looking business letters. Your customers will pick it up, turn it around to see what it's about, and before he can decide to throw it away he's already finished reading it. Whether he responds to the card or not is unknown, but it stands a better chance than unread sales letters.

2. Your postcard says "pick me".

Other less targeted advertisements are there to create a need for their audience. A 30 second spot selling accounting services for instance can convince someone they need an accountant, but it doesn't say why it should be you. They'll go to a big firm or choose the best friend's neighbor's son's friend who happens to be an accountant.

It's far easier to simply spread the word around and find people who already need your services without having to be cajoled, sung to, or bribed with discounts. Landing your postcard on their doorstep shows your availability to your customers.

3. Postcards can go the distance.

These cards are intended for the post thus it's name. It can be mailed anywhere in the US conveniently, and even to the rest of the world with a little bit more hassle. If you're business can be conducted over the internet, so why should your marketing materials advertise only to your close proximity?

4. Postcards are cheap to print and mail.

Imagine the cost and hassle of printing 1000 sales letters and the cost of mailing them! With postcards, you can expect to pay less than $500 from order to delivery complete with a targeted business-to-business mailing list. If you have your own mailing list, you can simply send the excel file to the printer and cut down your costs even more.

5. And the clincher: Postcards have high response rate.

If you send out a thousand pieces, with a response rate of 2-3% you have as much as 20 to 30 leads! Also, studies show that subsequent advertising results in higher response rates. Assuming you're only able to close 2 or 3 from that, it's still gives you a big profit. And as freelance services work, customers are your avenue to get referrals to other clients.

Work your postcard marketing campaign and you have to start hiring your employees. Look up a postcard printing company online and check their rates and services. Soon enough, the only thing you'll be mailing are bills.

Why Social Media Strategy Works?

Today, when you surf the internet you can always come across discussions on topics like that of a social media strategy. Well, this thing is nothing new. This is a remarkable development due to the booming of various social media networks in the worldwide web. Everyone in the world today has become intensely enthusiastic about or preoccupied with connecting and collecting to friends all over the world through personal accounts in Facebook, which I think is getting more popular than its counterparts like Friendster and Multiply. And most of the brilliant minds in the marketing industry think that there is a good marketing potential here as people from all walks of life are now into this hype.

As an agent of a marketing firm or maybe someone who is getting into personal marketing business, why not consider this as an alternative way to market your ware? Using social media as your avenue to the world of business can open up so many chances to grow and establish your name or the brand that you are now representing. You may have tried a lot of ways already and have spent thousands on your marketing campaigns. But you have seen only a very minimal effect out of a very stressful and costly marketing applications. Now it is time to add to your usual marketing techniques something that you can enjoy and at the same time make business with a broader audience. Why not get for your brand a free account on Facebook and begin to explore the many chances of meeting people and groups who can be your prospect clients?

Every now and then, you will hear people mention about their Facebook account. From time to time, you can receive people's invitations to connect to them or join their group or participate in a game or activity on one of those social network locations on the internet. Obviously with social networks, you will no longer have a hard time looking for people or target customers because they just come to you even without your invitation. Remember, it is a network. It is like a virtual web that connects you to others and others to you. So with just a few people on your list, you can have as many connections as you can by just sending out and receiving invitations. In business, that could mean a greater chance to make many people know what your company is up to. Even with or without your paid advertisements, you can still have ways to come out and be noticed.

One thing that can be so true why social media marketing clicks is that people by nature simply has the longing to connect or to belong. And social media networks have somehow given the answer to what people need. So with the social networks that abound on the internet, one can finally find a refuge even just temporarily. This is the reason why social media networks get bigger every day. And where people go, there can always be doors and windows for business opportunities. This must be your reason to try social media strategy for your business to work.

Google PPC Adwords:Discovering The Buyer Keywords

Google PPC Adwords:Discovering The Buyer Keywords

Back in the days when using Google Adwords you could get about 1,000 keywords to use in a specific market, load them in your back office and watch the traffic grow. You would get a lot of visitors and make decent money. But Adwords have changed everything and so have customer knowledge. You can't just market like this anymore and expect profit you have to know the "buyer keywords".

Secret #1:

My reason for using PPC is to start really big in a particular market. To make a big splash!.

Secret #2:

So this is what you do....

Research the keywords the keywords from proven related marketers. I have a seperate email account just to be on opt in lists so I can track my competition. You see no one will use a keyword for months "unless" it's profiable". Keyword Elite is a product you can use to get INSTANT ACCESS to buyer keywords. But it's expensive.

I'll leave you with this...

It takes patience to utilize PPC to it's maximal potential. But once you know the buyer keywords in that particular niche you can make thousands on auto-pilot. You'll have to become a entrepreneur and think like one.


Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to generating massive profits with Google Adwords "While Not Paying Google Dime":

Download it free here: Adwords Domination

Mason is a powerful coach and online mentor. He has over 2 books being sold in bookstores everywhere... PPC Secrets

Quick breakdown of Keyword Elite

The software consists of 'projects' or sections which are based on the most common functionality you'll need when researching profitable keywords.

They are:

1. Create A Keyword List

Returns a search list of keywords as found by any of the services below (you can choose one or more of them), Google suggestion tool, Yahoo!, FreeKeywords (Wordtracker), Meta tags, Misspelled Keywords, Optional paid Wordtraker and KeywordDiscovery.
Allows you to limit the number of searches returned.
In the report window, you can edit your list of keywords by excluding phrases or selecting phrases starting with or containing a certain word.
Once you are happy with your list, you can group them into an Ad Group and/or send the list to Project #2 or Project #4 or even create content pages based on those keywords.
The content is extracted from Article Directories.

2. Analyze Pay Per Click Listings

Enter your list of keywords (or 'send' them from Project #1) and select which search engines you want to hit for analysis (Google, Enhance, Yahoo, Miva).
Select which criteria you want to see on the report (KEI, Title Reports, Top Bids, Anchor Results, Text results) and how you want to match your Google adwords phrases (broad, phrase or exact match).
Lastly enter the Max CPC $ value.
In the report view, you will see each keyword and values for the following columns
(depending on what you selected in the previous window):
Results, Searches, R/S Ratio, KEI, Adwords CPC, Adwords Position, Adwords Clicks and number of Google campaigns.
If you click on a keyword here, you will see a list of website URLs in the bottom window which will show you the top competitors who are bidding for that keyword.
If you then click on that URL, you will see the competitor's ad.

3. Select A Keyword List

Here you can extract a list of keywords related to your initial phrase which are taken from an internal database.
Again, you can then select the relevant keywords and 'send' them to project #2 or project #4.
The keyword list you will see is extracted from a database of more than 40 000 pre-built keyword lists.

4. Analyze Keyword Competition

You supply a list of keywords (manually or 'sent' from Projects #1 or #3) and select the number of Google results (competitors) you want to see.
In the results page, you will see how your competition is ranked and how difficult it will be to outrank them.
Find out how competitive a keyword is and how optimized each of the top ranked pages is for that keyword.
(In other words, can you beat the top guys easily ? )
You can also add in any URL manually to check out known competitors who may not be top ranked yet.
In the results page you will see values for the following criteria : PR , No of words on the page, No of times the keyword is repeated, the density %, If and how often the keyword shows up in the title, Links, ALT image tag, Meta Keyword tag, Meta Description tag, how often it is bolded and if it shows up in the H1 headline tag.

5. Spy on Adwords Competition

This functionality allows you to create a project of certain keywords, for which you want to build competitor history information.
This will open up a window where you can schedule to run the searches so you can keep track of who is competing for a certain keyword over time.
This is valuable as only bidders who are running successful (profitable) campaigns will stay in the top positions for any length of time.
These are the guys you want to emulate or beat.
The information in the results page shows you the keyword, whether the bidder is the owner of the product, an affiliate or a non-affilate, the Title of the ad, the Description of the ad and the URL at the bottom of the ad.

keyword Elite - Find The Keywords That Convert

Keyword Elite 2.0 is the newest product from Brad Callen, who is well known for creating other
powerful software such as SEO Elite. Here are some of Keyword Elite’s features.

Keyword Elite software will allow you to search in all three major search engines Google, Yahoo & MSN. Keyword Elite will also show you a huge list of profitable keywords. In addition to this you will also be able to search different profitable Adwords campaigns and copy what they are doing while finding JV partners online using the JV Diamond Miner.

This JV Diamond program enables you to find websites that are building an email list. You can partner with these websites because these can send some targeted traffic to your website by sending e-mails to their list.

Keyword Elite will allow you to create your initial keyword list by adding long tail and short tail keywords using this program. Then after you have created a list you can filter out the keywords in all the different ways that are used. Keyword Elite software makes it possible for you to use, Google Suggestion Tool, Meta Tags and Free Keywords to get keyword ideas.

With the Keyword Elite software you can find out how competitive a specific keyword is in each of the paid “pay per click” search engines, such as, Google Adwords, Yahoo Search Marketing and Bing (MSN).

You will no longer need to worry about creating your own marketing strategies, by using Keyword Elite 2.0 you can easily find profitable Adwords advertisers whose marketing strategy you can actually use in your own marketing campaigns.

To read more about Keyword Elite click here

In addition to these other benefits, you will also be able to view the Adwords advertisement history of a keyword for every website that has advertised with that keyword for at least in the past six months. You can also find out how good a specific keyword is in getting you a higher ranking in the 3 big search engines.
The Keyword Elite software also allows you to see what percentage of people searching on your keyword are just surfers or could be potential buyers.
Another important thing that this software will show you are the “on page” optimization elements for each of the top 10 ranked websites for the keywords you input, giving you information on how you should be optimizing your own web page to make it to the top 10.
Keyword Elite will enable you to see different specific keywords/website combinations in Adwords over a period of time. This will give you information about which keywords are used repeatedly by people.
With this program you will able to find CPA offers to match the niche that you’ve found to be profitable niche to pursue. You can search through 13,000 CPA and affiliate offers to find the best one.
When you use the Keyword Elite software for the first time, it may be a bit confusing when trying to work out what each tool can do, but the amount of information it provides is huge.
Keyword Elite 2.0 can be used by both new and experienced marketers to get to identify profitable key words and products. The software comes with a 30 day search marketing elite membership and 8 weeks money back guarantee.

There are so many different keyword research tools available today. If fact there are too many to mention here, but I have found the Keyword Elite software to be the most efficient software and once you learn how to use it the Keyword Elite software can take your campaigns from zero to hero.
The cost for the Keyword Elite is very reasonable. There is only a one time fee of $197 and no monthly fees. I would recommend the Keyword Elite software to anyone who wants to improve their ppc campaign and stop wasting money on keywords that don’t work. This software will give you the advantage you need unleash you marketing campaign. This software can also be used for article marketing campaign keyword research

Honest Keyword Elite Review

You may have heard of Brad Callen's Keyword Elite. If you are thinking of purchasing Keyword Elite then you need to read this reliable and genuine Keyword Elite review. I went to the expense and trouble of purchasing Keyword Elite software so that you don't have to. Be sure to read this Keyword Elite review before you waste your money on Keyword Elite.

I commence my Keyword Elite review with a bit of background about Keyword Elite. Keyword Elite, like many internet marketing products, has arrived with much fanfare. Unfortunately people new to internet marketing believe too quickly and the fanfare and quickly pull out their credit card without spending the time to read reviews of these internet marketing, like this Keyword Elite review.

It was for this reason that I went to the expense to try Keyword Elite for myself. I had to first register Keyword Elite after purchase through one email address. However, having read the Keyword Elite literature I discovered that I could actually install Keyword Elite software on two computers (just in case one stops working for some reason or another).

I was surprised when I tried Keyword Elite that there were in truth five software programs included in Keyword Elite. These Keyword Elite software programs relate to using Keyword Elite for both Adsense and Adwords purposes.

Here's a short rundown of the pros and cons of the Keyword Elite software programs found in the Keyword Elite package.

Keyword Elite Pro 1 - it has a very user friendly interface.

Keyword Elite Pro 2 - the first program found in Keyword Elite quickly analyses Pay per click listings including Adwords. You can also use Keyword Elite for Adwords for analysing how many of your competitors there are in Google, Overture and Miva promoting the chosen keyword.

Keyword Elite Pro 3 - you can easily use Keyword Elite to create a large list of as many as 10,000 keywords. However, I would recommend you limit your keyword list initially to 100-500 keywords only as Keyword Elite will become quite slow if it is searching for that many keywords.

Keyword Elite Pro 4 - use Keyword Elite for Adsense. Keyword Elite allows you to create Adsense pages for your websites. With Keyword Elite you can search for the most lucrative Adsense keywords and then create Keyword Elite Adsense pages specifically monetized for the highest paying Adsense keywords.

Keyword Elite Pro 5 - use Keyword Elite to analyse the seo otpmization of specific high ranking websites. This is a very powerful tool for people seeking top 10 google rankings and high natural (free) search engine rankings.

Keyword Elite Pro 6 - Keyword Elite permits you to legally spy on your Adwords competition. You can set up Keyword Elite to "legally" spy on Adwords competitors up to 3 times a day for

given keywords. The key is the longer their ads are running for for those keywords the more lucrative their campaign must be.

Keyword Elite Pro 7 - The Keyword Elite software comes with extensive support, manuals and forums support, manuals and also Keyword Elite video instructions.

Keyword Elite Pro 8 - Keyword Elite comes with a risk free money back guarantee. This means you can buy Keyword Elite and if you don't like Keyword Elite simply request a refund and you will receive a refund, no questions asked.

Keyword Elite Pro 9 - Keyword Elite updates are given freely constantly after your purchase of Keyword Elite. Brad Callen makes every effort to constantly update Keyword Elite on a regular basis, taking in all the valuable feedback of Keyword Elite users. As I say, these Keyword Elite software updates are free and Keyword Elite users will always be notified of new versions of Keyword Elite available for immediate and free download whenever they start the Keyword Elite program.

Keyword Elite Pro 10 - Your Keyword Elite purchase may be tax deductible.

Keyword Elite Con 1 - Save your energy and don't use the keyword lists already included in the Keyword Elite software. You will build a much better keyword list yourself.

Yes, free keyword tools are available online, however, if you are wanting to create an online income through articles, Adwords or Adsense then I highly recommend you download Keyword Elite and put it to immediate use.

As I have already reviewed, your Keyword Elite download not only comes with a money back guarantee but it also may be tax deductible.

Following my purchase of Keyword Elite software I have used it extensively in my internet businesses and it is a key component in my internet businesses. I hope you have found this Keyword Elite review useful.

However, a word of caution. I recommend that you DON'T download Keyword Elite without first checking out the free Keyword Elite program package recommended below where you will receive at no cost an exclusive Keyword Elite download package valued at $2610.00 to help you on your fast way to internet marketing profits. You won't find a better Keyword Elite deal anywhere else online.

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