The Best Upgrades To Your Custom Marketing Bookmarks

Marketing using bookmark printing is a long established alternative to traditional marketing mediums such as flyers and brochures. While it is not as mainstream as most people prefer bookmark printing to be, this kind of marketing still faces some tough competition especially in industries where books and other printed materials are involved. That is why there is always a need to upgrade custom bookmarks for marketing. You still need to keep your edge in design so that your color bookmarks will still be noticed amidst all the other free marketing bookmarks out there.

If you want to know about the best upgrades for your bookmarks, below are a few great suggestions that should be of use.

Full color glossy images – Color images are always the best option for your marketing bookmarks. While this can be more expensive than usual “spot color” bookmarks, having your bookmarks printed in full color gives it that professional aura and elegance that makes people respect it. They won't throw away marketing bookmarks like this casually. The full color glossy image will always be impressive enough that people will want to keep and use the bookmarks. So full color glossy images are almost mandatory actually for your marketing bookmarks to succeed.

Glitters, reflectors and holograms – If you want to upgrade your color bookmarks and aim for some eye catching appeal, then your best option is to add something that “lights up”. Adding glitters, reflectors and holograms into your bookmark design is perfect if you want that glinting noticeable appeal. People will be quite interested to look at and read color bookmarks that have this kind of shining effect. It is a natural human compunction to observe something that shines, since most of the time, those things that shine are valuable. So make your bookmarks valuable looking and add these lighting features.

Embossing – The act of embossing bookmarks adds a three dimensional element to an otherwise boring two dimensional bookmark. If you want your bookmark to be remembered and be interesting, then embossing it with some sort of design can be quite beneficial. Of course, only a select number of printing companies may offer this feature so try to find one that is accessible to you first before deciding on this type of design.

Super-sizing – Bookmarks can also be upgraded by super-sizing them. With all the special large hard bound editions of books and text references, many people find large bookmarks particularly useful. So it pays to invest in super-sizing your color bookmarks so that people can benefit from their size while using large books.

So those are a few of the most effective upgrades for marketing bookmarks. These are guaranteed to help you improve your color bookmark's appearance and make them quite the effective tool for alternative marketing. Good Luck!

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