Reasons Postcard Marketing Works for Freelance Service Providers

Postcard printing is more than just a promotional material for real estate agents or to send your letters to Auntie Mae. It can be your ticket to getting your customers know you exist and looking you up.

You think everyone can benefit from the services you have to offer. There's a big market for your services, and you even have statistics from a trade magazine to prove it, but you can't seem to find them. Chances are they really are out there waiting to stumble upon someone who can provide them with the solutions they need.

But why postcards?

1. Postcards have the highest readability.

Full colored postcards are intended to be sent without and envelope and can stand out from a pile of generic looking business letters. Your customers will pick it up, turn it around to see what it's about, and before he can decide to throw it away he's already finished reading it. Whether he responds to the card or not is unknown, but it stands a better chance than unread sales letters.

2. Your postcard says "pick me".

Other less targeted advertisements are there to create a need for their audience. A 30 second spot selling accounting services for instance can convince someone they need an accountant, but it doesn't say why it should be you. They'll go to a big firm or choose the best friend's neighbor's son's friend who happens to be an accountant.

It's far easier to simply spread the word around and find people who already need your services without having to be cajoled, sung to, or bribed with discounts. Landing your postcard on their doorstep shows your availability to your customers.

3. Postcards can go the distance.

These cards are intended for the post thus it's name. It can be mailed anywhere in the US conveniently, and even to the rest of the world with a little bit more hassle. If you're business can be conducted over the internet, so why should your marketing materials advertise only to your close proximity?

4. Postcards are cheap to print and mail.

Imagine the cost and hassle of printing 1000 sales letters and the cost of mailing them! With postcards, you can expect to pay less than $500 from order to delivery complete with a targeted business-to-business mailing list. If you have your own mailing list, you can simply send the excel file to the printer and cut down your costs even more.

5. And the clincher: Postcards have high response rate.

If you send out a thousand pieces, with a response rate of 2-3% you have as much as 20 to 30 leads! Also, studies show that subsequent advertising results in higher response rates. Assuming you're only able to close 2 or 3 from that, it's still gives you a big profit. And as freelance services work, customers are your avenue to get referrals to other clients.

Work your postcard marketing campaign and you have to start hiring your employees. Look up a postcard printing company online and check their rates and services. Soon enough, the only thing you'll be mailing are bills.

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