Alternative Advertising Techniques and Tips to Reach College Students

Any advertiser can tell you, college students are an excellent market to target. Experiencing "freedom" for the first time, these young adults are excited about getting to make adult decisions. This including buying their own clothing, food and entertainment. This group is usually willing to try new things and is not afraid to be the first one to try a new product.

When targeted correctly, college students can become loyal, lifelong customers. Making a good impression with this demographic can pay huge dividends in the long run, as these customers will continue to come back. College students also typically have larger circles of influence than other demographics. If they like what you have to offer, they will assuredly tell their friends about it.

Here are a few alternative advertising strategies and locations that make reaching this diverse group easy:

College students attend a wide variety of different athletic competitions and entertainment shows around their campus. Placing your message on scoreboards, scorer tables, or in restrooms can reach loyal students who attend their schools' sporting events as well as the big concert.

College Campuses
There are a myriad of options when it comes to advertising on campus. Some outdoor advertising opportunities on campus include bicycle racks, restroom displays, book covers or poster displays. These areas are usually located near high traffic areas of campus, so your ads will get excellent exposure.

Commuter Rail
Depending on what campus you are targeting, public rail transportation can be a great opportunity -- provided your target city has it. Many commuter students take commuter rail to campus. Reach these students on the platform or inside the train with posters and digital displays.

Bus Media
For campuses without rail and subway transportation, buses and shuttle buses are a good bet for reaching commuter students. These vehicles are prevalent around college campuses. Larger campuses sometimes offer shuttles within the campus itself. Take your message directly to students as they head to and from class with posters and digital displays.

Aerial Advertising
Aerial messages can target any college event (games, parades, etc.) mostly during daylight hours, but some vehicles can also target at night. Some collegiate arenas and stadiums have tremendous capacity -- many over 100,000.

Movie Theaters/Cinema
Theaters are a social meeting place for this group. Both theater lobby and cinema screen advertising can be very effective for targeting the college crowd.

Mobile Displays
Mobile messages can target this population at campuses, theaters, spring break destinations and stadiums. This is a great opportunity for the creative, witty advertisements that typically generate positive responses from this group.

Spring Break Resorts
Spring break is a college tradition. Alternative advertising opportunities at popular spring break destinations can be found everywhere, from hotels to bars and restaurants. This is a great way to target spring breakers whether in the lobby or in their rooms.

Beach Advertising
Indoor advertising is not the only way to reach spring breakers. Outdoor advertising opportunities abound in spring break destinations. Get the attention of partying college students through the use of sand imprints, telephone kiosks, bathrooms, trash cans, etc. Certain beaches can be targeted to reach different demographic groups.

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