Making Your Business Work As A Whole

You want your whole business to have a way of all of it's various aspects to tie together. If all things sort of match then you will be more memorable to customers and clients. Your business is your livelihood and is no doubt very important to you. That does not mean you don't want it to have a nice lighthearted atmosphere. If you have a particular animal or idea that you are fond of then incorporate that into your theme.

One of the best themes that had nothing to do with the business it represented was actually done locally by an optometrist. Dr. Mary Pebble ran a professional looking office and did a nice business. When she decided to move her office and update it, she thought it would be fun to add a personal touch to the office, so she did the theme for her office in frogs.

She had the walls painted green and the furniture was fun looking and she put ceramic and glass frog figurines all around the office. She changed her business logo to look like a webbed frog foot and handed out really cute and colorful promotional pens and promotional magnets with the frog on them.

Now one may think that this doesn't seem professional, but the office looked very classy and what she noticed is that the theme that she was using in her logo and on her promotional items was getting her a lot of attention. Her promotional magnets served as a great reminder to people about their need to schedule an appointment and the colors and uniqueness of these promotional items really made them stand out.

After reading this you must understand the idea that you don't have to be in the pet industry to use tropical fish for a theme. You don't need to sell what you use to make your office and advertising go together. It doesn't even need to have anything to do with it. Something fresh and new will make you stand out and that is all you need.

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